Sunday, May 10, 2015

Chapter 17


Lava of  Mount Loa, largest active volcano in the world

      Hawaii is an island formed and shaped by volcanic activity.Similarly, Oregon also shaped by volcanic activity in the pacific rim in the past.The Cascade mountains have volcanic mountains such as Mt.Hood(oregon's),Mt. Jefferson, Three sisters,Mr.Mazama and New berry volcanoe.The above mentioned mountains are 5 sentinels where volcanic activity is possible to occur.However, there was no eruption or hazardous volcanic activity happened for centuries contrast to Hawaii where hazardous volcanic eruptions are active.Geological evidences say, cities Portland and Bend are built upon volcanoes similarly all the Hawaiian islands are  formed by million of years of volcanic activity.


Google Images.Youtube.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Chapter 16

Eco friendly Oregon

Pacific Northwest is the region Oregon State is situated.Many aspects of Oregon is discussed in this chapter specifically culture, people and places.Portland is the third largest metropolitan area in Pacific Northwest. Also, one of the cleanest city in air and water quality in North America.Many people in Portland bicycle to work than any other city in United States.Careful urban planning, urban growth boundary system, higher citizen participation and multimodal transit system keeps Portland  an environmentally friendly metropolitan. Especially urban growth boundary is a powerful long term land use policy introduced by former Oregon governor Tom McCall.This shows Oregonian's eco friendly urban planning..In addition, almost all of the beaches in Oregon are publicly owned and open to public which is another example of concern and activism about environment.
Oregonian's biking to work

Green city scaping

Friday, May 8, 2015

Chapter 15

Klamath Mountain Ecoregion

Oregon and California are neighboring states.Both states has lot in common such as pacific ocean, high ways, rugged mountainous topography, flora and fauna.One of the common territory lies in between these states is klamath mountains ecoregion.This region include nearly 1.7 million acres  of area starting from Sacramento Valley up to Umpqua Valley, Oregon.Highly dissected ridges, valleys and foothills are common topographic features .This ecoregion harbors rich biodiversity of plants including temperate rain forest, moist inland forests,oak forests, alpine grassland,and savannas. It is one of the America's  most biologically diverse region.In addition many rivers and significant amount of fauna make this destination good choice for hiking.


Images -Wikipedia

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Chapter 14

Historical Settlement

Unlike Mex America, Oregon is partially controlled by United States in West coast.Before european arrival, many different number of native americans present in the Pacific Northwest region.They mostly depended on fishing and marine mammal for their food.The Lewis Clark Expedition in 1803 open up settlement of europeans. British and Americans did fur trading and control the Oregon territory.Most of the early settlements in Oregon happened in fertile Willamette Valley.However, relative isolation of region from the rest of the country, keep Pacific Northwest from rapid settlement.After 1880's ,completion of transcontinental rail road attract many to settle in this region. Also large number of immigrants from Canada,the British isles, Germany, Scandinavia and other parts of the Europe settled in early 19th century. Later Latinos,Asians and Russians  also settled in this region in large numbers.Today, Oregon  has a significant amount of diversity.However, white population still the vast majority in contrast to Mex America region.

Oregon demographics based on  2010 census
Sources-The Geography of North America, 2nd edition.Hardwick, Shelley,Holtgrieve.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Chapter 13

Map of the Columbia Plateau

The Columbia Plateau

Although whole Oregon is not part of Columbia Plateau, it is very significant on physical geography of the state.The Columbia Plateau is  a basal flat region located between Rocky Mountains and Cascade mountains.The great Missoula Flood in Pleistocene time also shaped plateau uniformly covered with basaltic lava flows, but significant warping and faulting have caused elevations above sea level.Series of rolling hills, steep sided dry canyons,surficial lava flows are characteristics of Columbia plateau.

The plateau covers an area of about 100,000 square miles of southern Washington, Northeastern Oregon, and Western Idaho. Snake River and Columbia Rivers are major rivers irrigate the Columbia plateau. The climate is usually semiarid, and vegetation is limited mostly to shrubs and grasses.However,some parts of plateau is fertile and productive due to precipitation.

 Sources-The Geography of North America,2nd edition.Images by google.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Chapter 12

Mt.Hood, Oregon

Cascade mountain range oriented North-South across the Oregon.Mt.Hood is the Highest peak in the Oregon which is 11,249 ft.Also world's second most climbed mountain and the loftiest mountain in North America.Mt.Hood is actually an active volcano formed by subduction zone on Pacific Plate, but explosive eruption is highly unlikely based on history and observation.

Mt.Hood is popular tourist attraction in Oregon.Mountain climbing, snowboarding, skiing and hiking are perfect for this destination.The Columbia River running next to the mountain adds a scenic beauty for snow capped Mt.Hood.
             You tube

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chapter 11

 Sand Hills of Oregon

Nebraska Sand Hills

         Nebraska Sand Hills  cover 19300 square miles in the Great Plains.This makes largest dune in Western Hemisphere.Similarly Oregon has largest coastal sand dune in North America. which Oregon Dunes National Recreational Area is located at North Bend ,Oregon.It occupies an area of 40 miles of coast. The Oregon Dunes are a unique area of windswept sand that is the result of millions of years of wind and rain erosion on the Oregon Coast. Some of the sand dunes are 500feet tall which provides many recreational activities such as hiking, camping, photography,off road vehicle use and  horse back riding. However, Nebraska Sand Hills are used for cattle ranching and tourism unlike Oregon Dunes which is only suitable for tourism.

 Sources -Chapter 11, Geography of North America/ State images
Oregon Dunes

Oregon Dunes