Monday, April 6, 2015

Chater 10

Oregon Coast

Oregon has 350 miles of  coast of Pacific Ocean which contributes to the beauty and economy of the state.The state's coast is historically significant because Lewis Clark Expedition ended here.Oregon beaches are surrounded by towering pines or other lush landscapes.Oregon state passed a bill  (Oregon Beach bill of 1967) which enable access to all beaches free.Also, the bill facilitate to build a Oregon Coastal Highway beginning from California(south) to Washington(North).Also, there are 36 state parks created along the coastal highway.The completion of coastal highway and park system not only add beauty to state, but also contributes to the state's economy by coastal tourism.Moreover, Oregon coast is home of diverse marine ecology.Several species of seals, sea stars,sea birds, kelp forest and many other marine animals can be seen in different parts of coast of Oregon.

Sea star in Oregon Coast
Oregon Coast                                                                                     

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