Saturday, March 14, 2015

Chapter 7

Oregon and Megalopolis 

The term megalopolis means large, heavy populated cities adjacent to each other.The city of Portland is  the major metropolitan area for the whole state.According to census Oregon's population is 3.83 million in 2010. The Portland itself has 16% (~0.6 million) of the state population.On the other hand, New York city's population is 8.4  which 43% of the state population(19.7 million) .This statistics state how cities in megalopolis  are densely populated compare to Oregon.

Salem(capital) and Eugene are other major cities in Oregon which is less populated than Portland.Therefore, Oregon is quite the opposite of megalopolis. The below picture illustrates the megalopolis region in America.
Mega region in U.S.A(Wikipedia)
 Sources- U.S census Bureau, Google public data

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