Monday, March 16, 2015

Chapter 8

The Crater Lake

The Crater Lake of Oregon can be compared with the Great Lakes because both of them hold their own significance.The Superior Lake (The Great Lakes ) the largest Lake in America, but  the Crater Lake is the most deepest in America.It is located in a volcanic crater in southern Oregon. According to, the depth of the lake is 1,932 feet (589 meters). It is the seventh deepest lake in the world. 
Beautiful Crater lake in Summer
Crater lake during the winter.

It is quite an amazing lake because no rivers flow into it or out of it. The water level in the lake is a balance between rainfall, groundwater flow and evaporation.

The lake was formed a by an explosive volcanic eruption.Also Lake has two island structures with in lake.They are named as Wizard island and Merriam Cone.  has listed the lake as one of the seven wonders of Oregon and  recommends it as one of the must see in Oregon.Here is the YouTube video about the Crater Lake.

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